Monday, September 14, 2009


once you have been tagged~you are supposed to write a note with a wedding the end.. choose the person you want to be tagged~you have to tagged the person who tagged you..

~if I tagged you,it is because I want to know about you..~

1.)how old are you?
18 years old....

2.)are you single?

3.)at what age you think you will get marry?
haha....this question still longer for me......

4.)do you think you will marry the person you are with now?
eh.....don't know...because now still single.....^^

5.)if not...who do you want to marry?
the person love me much than heself....haha....

6.)who will be your bridesmaid and bestman?
Yi,Pei,Mang,Yee,Yau,Zai,Guan and Billy

7.)do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
don't know yet!!!

8.)where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
普罗圣旺,拉斯维加斯 and..........

9.)how many guests do you think you will invite?
sure ia as maximun as I can.....hehe....

10.)will that include your exes?

11.)how many layers of cake do you want?
3 enough lo....

12.)when do you want to get marry,morning or evening?
evening...not so hot...haha....

13.)name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding?
any love and romantic song.....

14.)do you prefer find dining or just normal spoon & fork? knife?
haha...give me...sure dining lo......^o^

15.)champagne or red wine?

16.)honeymoon righ after the wedding or days after the wedding?
1 week after wedding...or..late more......

17.)money or household items?!!..haha.....

18.)how many kids would you like to have?
2.....1 boy...1 girl...enough!!

19.)will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
sure......that was a happy memory...

20.)whose wedding plan would you like to know?
Yee,Pei,Yau,Mang, all did't have blog...haiz!!!

I wish to tag
~Guo Chen
~Jia Yi
~Sin Tian
~Xue Yi